Reconnection is a limited series in the near future that combines the real and virtual worlds. The series follows, Natalie, a pro-gamer who is recruited by a tech company to rescue a group of teens who've gotten themselves trapped inside a simulation device. To avoid a company scandal they force Natalie to go inside and save the teens before the simulation corrupts, which would result in death.

The Full Series
While Reconnection's limited series is and works as a proof of concept for a full length series.
The limited series helps prove the initial concept of Reconnection possible in which the environment for each episode is changed drastically while an overall story structure remains glueing them together. The Reconnection Universe continues to grow.

Key Collaborators
Producers: Joey Robinson, Kierra Hall, Sydney Hampton
Directors: Kierra Hall, West Givens
Production Designers: Nicole Graber, Justice Wynn
Directors of Photography: Michael Johnson II, Taylor Wedding
Composer: David Obaniyi